At first glance this doesn't seem as creepy...
... As the comments say. But, I would be lying if I said that it wasn't even remotely creepy. Seriously, whoever did Rebecca in this scared me SHITLESS. GOOD JOB :3
At first glance this doesn't seem as creepy...
... As the comments say. But, I would be lying if I said that it wasn't even remotely creepy. Seriously, whoever did Rebecca in this scared me SHITLESS. GOOD JOB :3
Great video.
But I swear, that is the weirdest looking kitchen EVER.
I knew it. I fucking knew it.
As soon as I saw The Shading's name, I knew some shit was going to happen. Like the gorilla was going to rape her with his spikey chain saw dick or some shit. Good flash BTW.
I had a dream like this once.
The same things happened. Cept a giant katamari came up and rolled the earth up and started to roll up the universe.
I loved this abit to much.
Shit. My balls. They won't attach back to my pelvis. Thanks guys.
You should stick to the serious LoZ flash. It seems to fit you.
I need to do this with someone I like 8D thanks for the advice!
ok ok
anything hetalia related MUST GO ON MY FAVORITES AND THIS GETS A OIJWELRKAJKEHLWKAJLEKJ028901734562817 469771094 STARS OUT OF 1
wait wait wait
during the begging did the guy just say a hero of our past?
at first im thinking "he going to hit the cake, HIT THE CAKE ALREADY!!!" then i see him on spikes... nice twist!
Joined on 11/7/09